The first step to voting in Florida is to register to vote. Use the link below to access the Online Voter Registration System.
Voting in Florida has never been easier. In most elections, you can vote one of three ways:
1) VOTE EARLY: You can vote early by appearing in person at the Elections office or any of our other early voting locations in Escambia County beginning a minimum of 10 days prior to Election Day using a paper ballot and DS200 digital scan voting machines (an ExpressVote ballot marking device is also available). For complete information on early voting dates, times and locations click here.
2) VOTE BY MAIL: By requesting a vote-by-mail ballot before the scheduled election, you can vote through the mail. For complete information on voting by mail, click here. Just make sure to make your request before the deadline — 5:00 pm on the 12th day before Election Day. Your ballot must be received in the Elections Office no later than 7:00 pm on Election Day.
3) VOTE AT YOUR PRECINCT: Finally, you may vote in person at your precinct on Election Day. Don’t know your precinct number or its location? Click here to find it. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day.
If you choose to vote in person, whether by Early Voting or at your precinct on Election Day, you must present photo and signature identification. Acceptable forms of photo ID are:
- Florida driver’s license
- Florida ID card
- United States passport
- Debit or credit card
- Military identification
- Student identification
- Retirement center identification
- Neighborhood association identification
- Public assistance identification.
- Concealed Weapon License
- Veterans Administration Card
- Government Employee ID: Federal, State, County or City
If you fail to present proper identification at the polls, you must vote a provisional ballot.
In Florida's closed primary elections, you may only vote for candidates of the party in which you are registered. However, if all candidates for an office are from the same party, and will not face opposition in the general election, then all qualified voters may cast a ballot in the primary, regardless of party affiliation. In the general election and in non-partisan races or issues, all voters may cast a ballot without regard to political party.
Escambia County uses a paper based digital scan voting system, consisting of ES&S DS200 digital scanners. An ExpressVote ballot marking device is available at each polling place and early voting location. Both are user-friendly methods that make voting both fast and simple.
For the DS200 digital scanners:
- Just fill in the oval to the left of the candidate or issue you wish to vote for, as illustrated.

- If you are voting at the precinct, use the pen that we supply in the voting booth.
- If you make a mistake, get a new ballot. Do not try to correct the error.
- If needed, ask for a poll-worker’s help; they will be glad to answer your questions.
- You are not allowed to vote for more choices than the ballot indicates in each contest.
- Write-In Candidates — If you wish to vote for a write-in, mark the write-in oval and write the name of a qualified write-in candidate. Only votes for valid write-in candidates can be counted for write-in votes.
- More information on using the DS200
- Here is a short video demo of the DS200
For the ExpressVote ballot marking device:
The ExpressVote is simple to use also. This ballot marking device uses a paper ballot, and allows the option of a touchscreen or audio headset function to mark your ballot. The screen has large-print capability and adjustable screen contrast for better viewing. To use, the voter inserts the ballot into the ExpressVote, then makes selections by touching the screen or by using the audio headset function. You navigate through the ballot and after reviewing all the selections, the ExpressVote will mark the ballot. The ExpressVote will return the ballot after marking it, and the voter then inserts the ballot into the DS200 tabulator.
Any voter who requires assistance in voting due to a disability or inability to read or write English is entitled to assistance in voting. You may bring someone with you to assist you, or two of our poll workers from different political parties will assist you as needed.